It means that if a holder of a certificate wants to sell his position directly to a buyer of a piece of land, Herencia de Allende® is obliged to accept in payment for his land the CKI offered by the holder, and later if there is a complementary payment, would receive it directly from the buyer.
In other words, if an interested party is going to buy at Herencia de Allende® a 500 m2 piece of land at a price of US$250 x m2, but there is an owner of three CKIs that makes them available for Herencia de Allende® at a conversion price of US$230, Herencia de Allende® is obliged to charge the first 300 m2 to US$230 and deliver the product of that sale to the CKIs holder, to later charge the remaining 200 m2 at the price of US$250 x m2. That way, those interested in buying land space in Herencia de Allende® will always look first to CKIs holders to obtain a slight discount on the price of their operation.